Tuesday 21 February 2012


“The impact of bloggers and real-time media has had a profound effect on how designers and media participate in Fashion Week.” - Macala Wright.

A blog is a personal journal published on the internet which contains individual records options, links to other websites and photographs on a regular basis. These posts are typically in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears first. Blogs are usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often are themed on a single subject.
There was a slow start to blogging but since the 1999 it has rapidly gained in popularity. Fashion blogging is relatively new to cyber space, as they first started to appear in 2002. The main two fashion blogs that began media attention in 2002: LookOnline Daily Fashion Report and She She Me, are still in existence today.

Fashion blogging has rapidly become a highly profitable new media business. This is a mixture of independent blogs and well-funded fashion blog networks competing to dominate. In 2006 Manolo’s shoe blog has confirmed he earns a six-figure salary through blogging.
The number of street fashion blogs that are featuring fashion on real people and showing how trends are applied in the streets around the world in different cities is increasingly high.

Relevant World fashion blogs:       

grayshade-gray-shade.blogspot.com.au        Leblogdebetty.com              


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