Wednesday 14 March 2012


MADE FROM: 1 x man’s suit jacket with pants
TIME: 3 hours
TEAM: Katie and Faye

The idea of this pressure test is to use old garments from second hand stores to create something new.
­   First we looked at a few books for inspiration and through around a few ideas

­   Un-picked the suit

­   We had the idea of using the outer shell of the suit, but we have accidently placed the lining up against the fashion dummy Coco (but as most things happen for a reason), we decided to use the lining. We looked the piping and the pocket design of the lining.

From there Faye and I started pining the fabric onto Coco
­   We wanted to create a dress with a bubble hem

­   To create the bubble we had two front panels and inserted a third panel to the middle of the skirt and turned the hem inside and stay stitched the dress to the side seam.

 The leg panels were used to complete the skirt section. 

­   We used the two front jacket panels as a cape, which buttons into the dress
  The two sleeves we cut and sewed together to create a scarf.

                     DIFFERENT WAYS TO WEAR THE DRESS:


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