Sunday 18 March 2012


By Faye and Katie.

Fay and I had a great opportunity to meet and have a chat with Elsa Lloyd and her swim-wear designer daughter Bernice Sara. These two self-taught ladies have a store locate on: 
15 High Street, Fremantle

Bernice and Elsa
When you are in Fremantle I differently recommended going into HAUTE ON HIGH.
Are very welcoming and the store is just beautiful!

Mini interview with Elsa Lloyd

·         You opened the door a year ago, how has the first year been?

We are having people come from all over W.A and through the internet we have had a few orders from the eastern states. I am also taking the next year off producing to focus on the store.  But I am always thinking about my designs but I have to allow a few things to come first just at the moment.

·         Where you producing the garments before opening your door?

I have always sewn for my daughters when they were little and as they grew up I sewed their and their friends ball gowns and from there I was asked to do wedding dresses. I didn’t do the traditional bride dresses, as they are already out there so ladies came to me when they wanted something different. Everyone kept telling me to have my own label and I have always had this passion for fabric.

·         We read you produce your garments off shore, you talk us through the process from design to finish product?

I design the garment, pattern make, cut, construct the garment, any tweaks that may be needed I do it all.

·         Any tip of up and coming fashion students?

If you are using an overseas manufacture make sure you go there and check them out your selves.
Take things at one step at a time, if things are rushed it will never work.
You don’t have to always take every opportunity that comes at you if it isn’t the right time. As if you don’t take your time and do these opportunities right it is ten times harder to come back.
When the right opportunity comes along take it and don’t let go. 

Mini interview with Bernice Sara and her fabulous swim wear and resort collection.

·         How did you decided to start designing your own collection?

I always loved designing and being creative. So when I was travelling with mum looking for manufactures overseas, I had been drawing in scrapbooks loads of swim-wear design’s and thought we don’t have a lot of these designs in Australia as of yet.  I decided to look for my own manufacture in swim-wear. 

·         Who do you cater your designs for?

At the moment only a small niche of the market, as I have just began. My designs consist of lots of cut outs and really show a lot of skin. 

·         Have you studied fashion? 

No, I have worked with photographers, stylist and in Perth fashion festival, just any where I could be surrounded by it. But I have learned so much from my mum and taught myself along the way.

·         So after you found the manufacture to produce your garments where did you go from there?
I had a few samples made up, decided to create a look book by having a photo shoot when a few friends. Then I got invited to do a few shows around Perth and then before I knew it I had a few stores asking to stock my swimwear. 

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